I feel uncomfortable in social situations; Do I have Social Anxiety?

What is Social Anxiety? Feeling anxious and nervous in social situations is normal to experience, whether they are people we know or strangers. It is common to experience anxiety; for example, during a presentation or attending a formal event (Beyond blue, n.d.). Social anxiety is much more than the occasional nerves; the disorder involves an …

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How Termination of Pregnancy Impacts on Women’s Mental Health

References Although pregnancy termination, or abortion, is a challenging and difficult decision for women to make, it is a widely used and secure medical practice in Australia, given that one in four women undergo this procedure (Taft & Watson, 2008). While the physical effects of pregnancy termination are well-documented, the impact on a woman’s mental …

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Signs you are Dealing with a Narcissist: How to Identify One?

What is Narcissism? Narcissism is a type of personality disorder in which the individual has a magnified sense of importance and a deep need for admiration and attention from others. They tend to lack empathy for others and seek troubled relationships (Mayo clinic, 2017). However, they hide behind a mask of confidence and deep down …

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